Manage Team Members in Paid Plans

Who can use this feature?

  • Account Admins

Want to share your Whereby subdomain and account with the rest of your team? Invite them as Users.  

Quick Answers

What is the difference between Admin and User level permissions?

Admins: Administrators added to the account will be able to add other users, adjust the company-wide branding for the account, and edit billing information as needed.  

Users: Users will receive their own Personal room and can adjust the branding in their own room. They cannot add other users or adjust billing information. 

Add Team Members


Go to your Dashboard and click on the Team section

From this page you can see a list of users that are in your organization, as well as if they're an Admin or not. If you are an Admin, you will see the option to add members. 

You can add one email at a time or multiple emails separated by a comma. Be sure to choose the appropriate role (Admin or User). After clicking Send invite, the users will get an email in their inbox letting them know they've been invited. Once they accept the invitation from the email, they will be added to the team. For detailed instructions on accepting a Team invitation, see our Accept an Invite to your Organization article.

Remove Team Members


Go to your Dashboard and click on the Team section.


From here you'll find a list of users within your organization. Hover over the Team Member you'd like to remove and click Remove user.


After confirming this is the person you want to remove, click the Yes, Remove button.

Edit a Team Member's Permissions


Go to your Dashboard and click on the Team section


From here you'll find a list of users within your organization. Hover over the Team Member to see the available options for them. If they're a User you'll see the option to make them an admin, or the option to remove them as an admin if they already are one.


Confirm the changes in the pop up window to complete the edit!