I'm having trouble logging in

We use login codes instead of a traditional password login so we can ensure your Whereby account is as secure as possible. The login code is emailed to your account email, and is valid for 15 minutes after you request it.

Follow these steps if you are having issues for your code.

My code isn't arriving or it's expired

1) Search for the email

We'll send the email from "Whereby," so you can search for it. If it isn't in your inbox, check your folders. If a spam filter or email rule moved the email, it might be in the Spam, Junk, Trash, Deleted Items, or Archive folder.

2) Whitelist *@whereby.com

If your code doesn't arrive in your email or spam after 15 minutes, it usually means that the email is being filtered out by your email service. You can follow any of these guides on how to whitelist below:

3) Resend Code

Once you have whitelisted Whereby, you can request a new code after clicking on the links below:

If you have a Gmail or Apple account you can use our Single Sign On feature!

Still having issues? Try checking your webmail where you originally set up the email. If you still don't see the email, contact your IT department to whitelist the email on the server.

My code is invalid

1) Manually type in code

In some cases a phantom space or character can be copied from the email, which can cause the code to show an error.

2) Wait 5 minutes

Sometimes when several codes were requested at once and caused the system to lock up. In this situation we recommend waiting 5 minutes before requesting a new code.

3) Clear Cache

Try clearing your cache and cookies first and then logging in again and receiving a new code to do so. Instructions for clearing your cache and cookies can be found in the links below:

4) Resend Code

Once you have whitelisted Whereby, you can request a new code after clicking on the links below: